Midland GXT500VP4 5 Watt 22 Channel GMRS 14 km-t

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Liitunud: E Jaan 23, 2006 2:23 pm
Asukoht: Tartumaa

Midland GXT500VP4 5 Watt 22 Channel GMRS 14 km-t

PostitusPostitas Ralfwind » N Jaan 26, 2006 3:45 pm

KOPIN SIIA MAYERI kommentaari selle KABULA KOHTA: Kas keegi Eestis on ka proovinud GMRS sidet kasutada? KUIDAS SIDEAMET KONTROLLIB?
Kaldun arvama et mitte keegi ei kontrolli kui me kķik ostaksime sellised 5 Watised telefonid. See oleks lihtsaim tee ymberehitamisest loobumiseks. OOTAN HUVIGA KOMMENTAARE? JA mida yleyldse arvate Midlandi toodangust?
# I have an earlier model of the Midland GXT - the 400 and it has performed well for me. I could not resist the 5-watter and so I bought a set.
These operate like the other GXT models - I have achieved 6 miles with the GXT 400 between cars - and 8 miles with this model. Of course, hills break up transmission clarity. In a city environment, I have managed about 5-6, depending on the buildings.
Of course 14 miles could only happen across water (which is where Midland and perhaps other manufacturers test their products for their generous range claims) or between mountain tops.
Remember that UHF signals do best in a "line of sight" mode and do poorly with stuff in the way - that's just plain physics.
The extra watt might buy an extra mile or so....also remember from physics class the "inverse square law" - which applies to light waves and radio and sound waves....basically, the strength of a signal/sound/light falls off at a ratio inversely squared to the distance....in plain English...if an FRS radio at 1/2 watt reached 2 miles [sure!], then doubling the power output to 1 watt would not, repeat, not double the distance achieved, but rather only add a mile [maybe]...thus a 5 watt transmitter (10 times the power) will achieve about 3X the distance (square root of 10) over an FRS 1/2 watt xmitter, assuming the distances are as advertised.
The extra power sometimes gets thru objects a bit better, but won't reach the moon!
In real life, most of us use these over ranges of about 1/4 to 3 miles tops, and most of these products in the 2-5 watt range should handle this distance adequately.
There is some "fussiness" with the menu options, etc, but once you are accustomed to it, these are decent radios.


I rate 2-way radios based on largely 3 criteria: range, sound clarity, and features.

The GXT 500 gets high marks on range, even though this criterion is usually very subjective. I placed one Midland, a high-output Motorola and Cobra radio together in front of a voice activated tape recorder and drove off in my car with the other sets into a suburban neighborhood consisting of homes, trees, etc. At specific distances, I got out of the car and tested each radio. The high-output Motorola GMRS set has 2 watts, while the Cobra has 3 watts output. At just over 4 miles, the GXT 500 (5 watts) had the strongest signal, although all three suffered from a variety of noise in the signal. (I tested the GXT again subsequently in a suburban setting and found the signal to be acceptable out to 5 miles and even beyond depending on the terrain). In the suburbs, 7-8 miles would seem to be all one could expect. I think this is quite good for a small, inexpensive radio. Needless to say, car-to-car use, use in urban areas (with high buildings) or use in mountainous terrain, all drop the range drastically.

Sound quality of the Midland did not come up to the clean bass response of the Cobra (4000), but there was not as much case resonance (rattling) at higher volume levels as was the case with the Motorola. Distortion was acceptable, but audio quality could be improved with a higher output amplifier section. I think this can be said for all the consumer radios.

Features are comparable with the other manufacturers, although I was put off a little with the 5 second maximum duration on any channel in scan mode. Once an active signal is detected in scan, I prefer at least 10 or 15 seconds before resuming the scan function. Also, I would prefer to be able to see battery status at all times, whereas nothing is visible until the low-battery symbol is displayed.

I don't understand why the rechargeable NiMH battery packs for these radios are only rated at 700 MAH's, when 2000+ MAH ratings are now common for over-the-counter rechargeable AA batteries. I don't have any feel yet for battery life while using the high output setting.

The unit is mid-range in size and weight, but a bit smaller than the comparable Cobra and Motorola. The 3-year warranty is a plus.

Overall, seems to be a good product so far.


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Postitusi: 1087
Liitunud: T Veebr 01, 2005 1:14 pm
Asukoht: Tallinn.Lasnamägi.

PostitusPostitas äpu » R Jaan 27, 2006 11:13 am

Huvitav miks sa nii kehval arvamusest sideametist oled?Sa vist ei ole eluski nende liikuvat ja paikset tehnikat näinud ega oska vaadatagi.Kui sa oled Tallinast siis üks suur logoperioodiline antenn asud kohe Lasnamäe alguses Gonsiori tn. lõpus 9 kordse maja katusel.Samasugune antenn on ka Pärnus j.n.e.Ja muidugi ka Transiti taoline visi valget värvi ja mis seal katusepeal ja mis seal sisemuses veel on igatahes arvuteid ja skannerid sagedusanalüsaatorei ja mis iganes oli seal sisemuses.
Iseasi kas nad väga on huvitatud tuhnima aga kui segab miagi kedagi ja valedel sagedustel vat siis on kuri karjas ma arvan.Probleemi on olnud raadiomikrofonidega saate võimsus 30mw ainult aga sagedus vale!
Tervitades Äpu! es1ate 73!

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Surfan raadiolainetel
Surfan raadiolainetel
Postitusi: 181
Liitunud: L Okt 08, 2005 2:36 pm
Asukoht: Viljandi

Aga hakka amatööriks

PostitusPostitas sys » R Jaan 27, 2006 8:25 pm

Kui tahad kõvemat häält teha tee amatööri C klassi litsents, saad kabulaga kuni 10W anda.


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